Our aims in teaching Maths at Southwood Infants are as follows:
- To present Maths as a creative and fascinating process in which children are encouraged to use
their imagination, initiative and flexibility of mind. - To encourage children to develop their own mathematical strategies and to become confident.
- To ensure that all children are extended in each area of maths so that they reach their own
potential. - To ensure that all children experience appropriate practical and investigative problem solving
activities, presented in oral and written form.
Mrs Kinsella, Maths Leader
In Year R, mathematics takes place on a daily basis, in a variety of forms, including whole class oral and mental sessions, practical activities and group investigative problem-solving activities covering early number, shape, space and measure.
In Years 1 and 2, Maths lessons take place on a daily basis with more emphasis on oral and mental maths and recording. ‘Basic skills’ are taught at the beginning of all maths lessons and also in specific mental arithmetic sessions.
The National Curriculum states the importance of children learning to be fluent, reason mathematically and apply their skills in a range of problem solving contexts. In the Early Years Foundation Stage the curriculum is guided by the Early Learning Goals.
Mathematical experiences are provided every day in the form of lessons, group activities, mental and oral sessions, resources, games or displays. Lessons may incorporate whole class teaching, flexible group work, independent learning or outside problem solving. Varied tasks include both open ended and closed questions which probe and encourage deeper thinking skills. Progression is carefully planned, constantly evaluated and appropriate to each individual.
To develop qualities important in young mathematicians, the children are taught the practical skills and given resources, understanding and vocabulary to use and explore. Practical maths resources are always available for children to select and use independently.
Staff ensure all pupils are provided with a wide range of experiences to use and apply maths across the curriculum. These may include practical data collection and handling, use of measurement in cooking and Design and Technology, positional language and measurement in Physical Education, practical problems to solve from a geographical or historical topic being studied. Starting points can come from a variety of stimuli, such as stories, pictures, items in the sand or water trays, resources in the outdoor area, letters from a character or a practical problem needing to be solved.
Maths Open Morning Feedback
What glorious weather we had for our maths morning!
Thank you to all the mums and special visitors who came along and enjoyed the maths activities that were set up around the school. It was a delightful atmosphere as the children shared maths games and activities.
Thank you for all the positive feedback and lovely comments. This what you said you enjoyed about this maths morning.
‘Good to see the range of activities. Clear to see how the concept of number is reinforced in different ways. Liked the practical aspect of learning. Lovely to see learning in a natural environment.’
‘Seeing all the different ways of doing maths with her, it has given me ideas.’
‘Watching my child play, learn and be excited about learning.’
‘It was lovely to see how they worked the answer out and what they found easy and difficult.’
‘Seeing how they learn and how much my daughter enjoys maths.’
Learning to divide by sharing practically
Learning Outdoors
Ways to Help at Home