At Southwood we want our children to explore, find out and make sense of the world around them. Science builds upon children’s natural fascination with the world in which they live. This fascination is developed through first hand exploration which fosters curiosity, critical reflection, co-operation and problem solving. Scientific learning at Southwood allows the children to develop and apply scientific skills and develop an understanding of the environment and the world in which we live.
Miss Loyd, Science Leader
Science is taught in half termly blocks in Key stage 1. The science topics are often linked closely with other aspects of the curriculum. Overarching the science topics is a longitudinal study which encompasses many of the blocks and makes full use of our wonderful grounds.
Topics covered:
- Seasonal changes
- Everyday materials
- Animals including humans
- Plants
- Growth
- Living things and their habitat
Walk to Southwood Woods
At Southwood Infant School the children take part in a longitudinal study and visit our local woods in winter, spring and summer to observe the changes in plants, habitats and animals.
Butterfly Release
The Early Years children had a magical moment last week when they released their butterflies in the flower garden. The children have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars into beautiful butterflies over the last couple of weeks. This ‘awe and wonder’ experience really got the children talking about life cycles and living creatures. We watched the butterflies fly away to find lovely new homes. We all waved them on their way!